Our campus is a place where memories are made. It is a collection of sites with significance to everyone in the Woods family — students and their parents, alumni, faculty, staff and Sisters of Providence. Here are 10 of them:
1. Le Fer Hall
Most students think of this building as their castle home! Built in 1923, it is Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College’s residence hall.

2. Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto
A sacred and special place where students go to find a quiet place for reflection and prayer. Built by the Sisters of Providence in thanksgiving for the end of World War I, this grotto is a replica of the one in France, which attracts millions of pilgrims worldwide.

3. The Grotto Bridge
Students often feel like they are in Narnia when walking along this wooded path. Its beauty and charm also make it the perfect picture spot.

4. The Big Church
The Church of the Immaculate Conception is seriously one of the most beautiful structures on campus. It is where the Woods family gathers for special celebrations such as the opening of the academic year, baccalaureate Mass and Ring Day. It is designed after a church in Paris, France.

5. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin statue
Located near the Big Church, students often visit “Mama Teddy” on the way to lunch or dinner in the dining hall nearby. They also come to her for a ring blessing on Ring Day.

6. The Conservatory of Music
With its grand staircases and marble, the sound of music produced by students resonates in all areas of this building. A walk-through could make one think the walls are singing!

7. The Fountain
The iconic figure at the end of the long Avenue. It tells you that you’re “home.”

8. Le Fer Lake
The first thing you see when you drive onto campus is this peaceful spot. It’s a place of outdoor learning and relaxation.

9. Sledding Hill
The hill overlooking the Grotto is the best place on campus to sled in the winter, and generations of alumni have enjoyed this — unofficially.

10. Marble Staircase
The grand staircase in Le Fer Hall leads students to their residence floor. In addition to this practical purpose, it is a meeting and photo spot! Because of its beauty and historical significance, it has served as backdrop to countless students and alumni photos.