By Paige Chickadaunce, junior psychology major and mental health peer educator for the Student Counseling and Wellness Center

What’s up, Woodsies! What a time it’s been these last few months. From orientation to homecoming and everything in between, it’s been a great semester. As we wrap up classes, one more thing awaits…final exams. As we enter finals week, here are some tips straight from the Student Counseling and Wellness Center to keep your mind at ease as the semester comes to a close!
1. Put your tasks into a planner
- The satisfaction of checking off a task you have completed can be a great motivator.
- Having tasks written out also helps to keep you on task so that you aren’t left searching for the next task.
2. Schedule your study time
- Set aside time blocks in your schedule that are specifically for studying.
- If you do this, you won’t schedule anything for that block of time, and you will be left with the only option of studying.
3. Find a study spot
- Whether on campus or off campus, find a spot that is cozy but not too cozy. Your bed isn’t always the best place because we associate that with sleep.
- A spot that allows you to focus while having a calming atmosphere is essential.
4. Laugh
- Laughing releases endorphins that lower your heart rate and make you more relaxed.
- Spend time with friends or family that make you laugh. Find a good movie to watch that has you rolling on the floor laughing.
5. Make time to do things you enjoy
- Sometimes, our motivation for getting tasks done that we don’t want to do is to have a plan of doing something we want to do. It is the mindset that “If I get this done, I can do the fun thing I really want to do.”
- Doing something you enjoy can reduce stress and enhance your mood.

Paige Chickadaunce is a junior psychology major minoring in mathematics and education pedagogy at SMWC. Originally from Sullivan, Indiana, Paige came to The Woods as a student-athlete seeking small class sizes and a community-like campus. She’s very involved on campus in clubs and organizations, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Service31, Campus Ministry and Spirituality Club, as well as the cross country and track teams. Paige is also a Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Scholar and serves as a peer educator for the SMWC Student Counseling and Wellness Center. Additionally, Paige enjoys being involved in the community. In her free time, she can be found going on a walk or run on campus, admiring its beauty or hosting a Bible study with her team.