Computing Policies
Be a responsible user! Protect SMWC’s network and data by abiding by our computing usage policies.
Copyright Infringement is a serious crime.
Do not use the SMWC network or resources to download or distribute copyrighted materials without permission from the copyright holder.
A. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to outline the rights and responsibilities of all computer and network users at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
It is the goal of the College to provide computer facilities and network access for the support of teaching, learning, and research to members of the SMWC community.
It is the responsibility of each user to make use of these facilities in a proper manner. Access to the equipment, software and to the network is not a right; it is a privilege granted by the College for the enhancement of education. Like all privileges it carries with it responsibilities. Misuse of this privilege may result in withdrawal of the privilege, academic discipline, and/or prosecution through the appropriate judicial system.
It is the policy of the College to abide by all applicable laws governing the use of software, privacy, copyright, and the recognition of intellectual property. Furthermore, the College endorses and supports the statement of “Software and Intellectual Rights” as set forth by the Educom Code.
B. General Policies and Guidelines
- Pursuant to the Electronic and Communications Privacy Act of 1989, Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2510 and following, notice is hereby given that there are no privacy guarantees for the sending or receiving of messages or for files located on the College network. It is not the routine policy of the College to review messages or files, but the College retains the right to do so.
- Because the College has defined some forms of electronic media as insecure, neither grades, grade point averages, nor any other confidential information may be sent via e-mail or the World Wide Web connections. The following are exceptions:
- Grades for individual assignments which are a part of a course may be given electronically.
- Grades and student information when delivered via SMWC approved encrypted web services.
- Directory information.All employees of SMWC are required to sign a confidentiality statement. Penalties may follow the inappropriate release of that information.
- Individual users storing files and messages on the College network are given personal accounts. Although these accounts are the property of the College they shall not be intruded upon without the expressed permission of the user. The only exception to this is access by an official of the College investigating misuse or for maintenance of services.
- The use of another’s computer account(s) without consent will be treated as stealing and/or computer fraud.
- User names/IDs and passwords protect your privacy and institutional resources. Each user has been assigned a user name(s). Passwords are the responsibility of the user, should be changed frequently, and are not to be shared with anyone on or off the College campus. Users are responsible for their own accounts.
- Computer access is for educational and College business purposes only. In general, educational use is interpreted loosely; however, abuse for economic gain or uses of the network that adversely affect others will not be tolerated.
- Inappropriate use of the Internet or any College network resource will be viewed as an abuse of computer privileges and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken. These resources include e-mail, instant messaging, social networking sites, and media file exchange.
- The College is not responsible for information or graphics posted by users or others on any Social Network system such as MySpace, Facebook, etc. Users need to be aware that information posted on the Internet is not private.
- It is the responsibility of individual users to abide by all applicable laws governing the use of software, privacy, copyright, and the recognition of intellectual property.
- The use or possession of software for the purpose of harassing others, or with the intention of compromising the security or performance of the system, is cause for disciplinary action. Anyone victimized by, or hearing of, an incident of harassment via an electronic medium has the responsibility to report it to the College’s Webmaster, vice president of Academic Affairs, executive director of Information Systems, or the vice president for Student Affairs.
- No one shall knowingly create or load a computer destructive program, e.g., virus, worm, to a College computer or network.
- Faculty/Staff users must lock their computer desktops or logout when leaving their workstation unattended. Students are encouraged to do so. Information stored on a personal computer located in an office is only as private as information on/in a desk or filing cabinet.
- College computers and auxiliary equipment shall not be removed from campus without obtaining the permission of one’s supervisor. Anyone leaving employment of the College shall leave behind all equipment, software, and documentation that is the property of the College. Users shall leave behind all College equipment.
- All e-mail shall carry the valid “from” name of the sender. Mail represented as being from someone other than the sender will be considered a violation and the sender will be subject to disciplinary action.
- The use of Broadcast messages via email or voicemail is for College related information only. Inappropriate use of email or voicemail services is expressly prohibited as defined in Section G.
- The College has the right to delete: e-mail and e-mail accounts for individuals no longer at the College, e-mail that has been in holding areas for a specified amount of time, or accounts exceeding specified space allocations, as determined by College Policy.
- Fraudulent charging of any long distance telephone call to any telephone, misusing telephone account numbers, or altering any telephone equipment or other communication devices by whatever means on College premises is prohibited.
C. Network Guidelines
Network services and wiring may not be modified or extended beyond the area of their intended use.
The network may not be used to provide Internet access to anyone outside the College
community except as noted in the Authorized Access to General Use Computer Facilities policy below.
The network is a shared resource. Network use or applications which inhibit or interfere with the use of the network by others are prohibited.
Therefore, users of the network shall avoid the following:
- applications which use an unusually high portion of bandwidth for extended periods of time, thus inhibiting the use of the network by others.
- interfering with the work of others on the network.
- disrupting the network host system(s) or network services.
D. Authorized Access to General Use Computer Facilities
- The computer lab in Le Fer Hall is for exclusive use of members of the SMWC community during the academic year.
- The machines in the College’s Library are available for use by anyone from either the College or the local community on a walk-in / space-available basis; young people under 14 years of age must be supervised by an adult; non-members of the College community may be asked to give up a machine if a member of the College community needs to use it. Students in Paralegal classes have priority for use of the computers in the Law Library.
- Computer resources for general use are limited; in any of the labs or in the Library, users on chat lines, playing games, etc, may be asked to vacate a machine if someone else needs to use it for academic or College business.
- All persons using College machines for general use are expected to comply with posted instructions or those given by the student assistant(s) on duty.
- Currently, the College does not charge a fee for the use of printers; users should not abuse College printers by making excessive copies or by printing materials not related to the College.
- During semester breaks, the labs may be closed for maintenance.
- Users may not change the configurations of any machine – this includes adding, deleting, moving or changing icons, wallpaper, screen savers, mouse pointers, etc.
E. Use of College Internet Service
All on-campus students who reside in Le Fer or Guerin Halls must use the network Internet services provided by the College. Students may not use the telephone lines in residence hall rooms to dial into another Internet Service Provider, such as America On-Line. However, such commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may be accessed through the SMWC Internet.
F. Protection Against Viruses and Other Unwanted Programs
No user should open a document or executable file that comes to them attached to an e-mail unless the source is completely trusted. Trust includes both the identity of the sender and the intent of the sender. If the user was not expecting a document, it should be verified before opening because viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, or other unwanted programs may use the address books of trusted associates.
G. Use of the Broadcast E-mail Addresses/Distribution Lists
Broadcast addresses are to be used only for College related information concerning policies, sanctioned activities, academic information, mission related information, and other official College announcements.
Examples of inappropriate use of broadcast messages include:
- Forwarding of messages about alleged viruses (these notices should be forwarded to the system administrators for evaluation and they will broadcast them if necessary).
- The forwarding of chain letters, stories no matter how funny or profound, personal opinion messages and personal requests.
- The advertisement of any services or goods for personal gain.
- Announcements of external activities or offers without the expressed approval of the vice president for Student Affairs.
- All political announcements that express personal views of a group or individual without the expressed approval of the vice president for Student Affairs.
H. Approval of Hardware and Software Purchases
All purchases of computer hardware or software must be approved by the Information Technology department before committing to the purchase. If approval is not obtained before purchasing, the College may not support either the installation or the maintenance of the hardware or software.
I. Sanctions
Violations of the College’s policies above shall subject users to the regular disciplinary processes and procedures of the College and may result in the loss of the violator’s computing privileges. All alleged violations will be reported to the appropriate Cabinet officer. Illegal acts involving any of the College’s network/computing resources may also subject the violator to prosecution by local, state and/or federal authorities.
J. Disclaimer
An integral purpose of the College’s computing resource network is the provision of access to bulletin boards, Internet information sources, etc. None of these sources is reviewed by or endorsed by SMWC. The College takes no responsibility for the content of any of these information sources. All policies are subject to change as the computing and network environment evolves.