Le Fer Hall
Annette Burckart


Washed Ashore

This piece was made in response to my work with the bereaved.

Often at times, we feel as if we have to bottle up our emotions because they are too much to deal with. We cork them in a bottle, throw them out into the ocean, and hope they will disappear. However, they wash back up to shore and we find ourselves staring back at them until we pay attention to them.

I am honored to have this piece published in the Artist’s Grief Deck (a project in New York that recently launched in response to the pandemic) and provides cards of grief prompts/art for individuals to address their loss. I am thankful to Hospice of Dayton for backing this project and seeing the impact that it will have on others in multiple ways!

Rise Above

This piece depicts practicing art therapy in the year 2020. I entered my Internship and found that I would have to pioneer into the world of virtual art therapy during a pandemic. The torn paper represents the media and challenges that we have had to face as a society. The photo is one of myself, at age 4, on a tire swing at a favorite park where we used to vacation. I have had to reach into this inner child to find resilience this year and rise above, remembering the child-like passion that I have even when the media brings fear/anxiety. My inner child gives me joy, confidence, and a spirit of play that allows me to soar above it all and as I look through the tire swing to the ground below , I am able to see beyond the weary world and find peace and hope.


This piece has not only defined my journey as an art therapist, but my personal journey as well. We have moved to 10 locations in 20 years of marriage. The map is a representation of relocation and travel. The person on the swing has had to “pump” her legs to keep her swing moving each time. This swing has been challenged by the birth of 3 children, multiple jobs, new degrees, separation from family, and a traveling husband. My faith has kept me grounded during these challenges and has given me the ability to keep on “pumping my legs.” The breeze refreshes me, and I am given new strength. As I move into this new role as an art therapist, I will be able to soar above the new challenges I face because I have built character through each of these challenges.


This piece was made early on in my art therapy journey when I was trying to take flight into new territory. I was feeling conflicted by the many challenges of juggling a family, working, and going to school. I wasn’t sure that I was on the right path and I encountered lighting and storms at times. I had to patiently wait until these cleared before I could “lift off” again. Over time, the skies began to part, and I had a clearer vision of what was ahead.

Journey of an Art Therapist

This piece was inspired after attending the Virtual AATA conference and receiving encouragement to tell our stories. My story is not ordinary, therefore journaling and illustrating in a book fashion, did not seem to fit. The first circle depicts how art therapy was always right in front me, at my feet (through various jobs). Circle 2 shows how I was mentored by a wonderful art therapist at the organization where I was already working. The third circle depicts a crossroad where I had to make a decision about pursing my dream. Circle 4 unlocks the potential that I felt I was lacking. Circle 5 – Enter Covid to our community. Circle 6- Pioneering into virtual art therapy. Circle 7- Soaring and recognizing how far I have come. The lights represent all that has been bright and good during this journey, my mentors and fellow professionals that have encouraged me, as well as my patient family members who have cheered me on and have walked this path with me as well. I am thankful for each of them! The old drawer that I used to display my story has made a few physical moves with me and has been a part of my history. Turning old into new – Isn’t that how healing begins? “Trust the process” couldn’t be any more real to me at this point.


This piece was created during my Internship when I felt that I needed to remind myself of the balance that I needed in my life. I was recognizing that self-care was often put on the shelf. I wanted to create a reminder that I could keep on my desk to touch and feel when I needed a break. One basket often felt heavier than another. The middle of the scale is not a perfect vertical as it reminds me that I don’t have to have perfection, just do the best that I can, as long as I am able to pay attention to other areas of my life.

Lift Off

These hot air balloons were created with blown glass, string, foil, and clay. The process of the refining in the fire (as glass was added and each ball was turned and put back into the heat) was symbolic of the refining of my clinical skills. One balloon has darker colors (as some days often do), and the other balloon lets more light in. The glass balls hold air (breath of life) which we bring to our clients. The lift off process is the magic of watching art therapy take effect. I have witnessed this in several clients that have been moved by the process and as I watch the balloons lift off, I am overcome by emotion.


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Kim Kremer | 05.13.2024 at 4:46pm
Hi Annette, I didn't realize you graduated from Saint Mary's! I am from South Bend originally. I enjoyed hearing your story through your art pieces. We miss you here at Hospice of Dayton!
Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs | 01.24.2021 at 9:26pm
GREAT JOB!! I will never ever understand how you do it all! Your Grief Deck piece is extraordinary and "Soar" will forever remind me of your incredible resilience. I am so excited for you and will miss you!!!
Julie LaCreta | 01.22.2021 at 2:24pm
Annette, your art collection poignantly expresses the inner work you have done on your journey of becoming. I especially love the idea of grief cards you created to use with your clients and can see that you are just where you ought to be.
Claudia Jauregui | 01.19.2021 at 11:16am
Annette, I am impressed by your work and process. I am glad we got to meet at residencies and take some classes together. As you said, your experiences and challenges have built your character and I can see how your clients will benefit form your growth and development as an art therapist. Thank you for sharing your art work with us. Congratulations on this milestone in the program and your amazing work on grief! Keep soaring!
Tracy Richardson | 01.18.2021 at 12:30pm
Ah, "balance" is much needed! I love the softness of "Washed Ashore", and the bottle of emotions.
Amanda Allard | 01.15.2021 at 8:32pm
Annette, you have so many containers in your work, and it reminds me that we will be containers for our clients, and that will can impart how to make containers to balance, rise above, send messages. The other theme that I notice is the lightness, floating, and "soaring" quality of your work. I am reminded that I ground a lot, but that "soaring" is an important balance to that!
Bobbie Williams | 01.15.2021 at 4:46pm
So glad you were able to continue the work with grief and loss. Congrats on your piece being in the NY show.