Le Fer Hall
Julie LaCreta

My journey of becoming an art therapist began at an experiential therapy training for addiction counselors in February of 2018. I was a brand new addictions counselor intending to begin a masters program in addictions counseling in the fall. However, God had another plan. It was at this training that I met an art therapist and experienced the power of art therapy firsthand. During an art therapy session, I had an “Aha” moment and became aware of my true calling in a single moment. I returned home, withdrew from my master’s program, and immediately began searching for a master’s in art therapy program in Indiana.  

I came to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods identifying as an artist and as an addiction counselor. Over the past three years, I have come to know who I am as a person and as a therapist. Through art making I have been able to connect to parts of me I had forgotten or perhaps never really knew. As an artist, I had always been focused on outcome and product. I wanted to make art that was beautiful or at least meaningful. The experiences I have had as a result of this program have taught me how to interact with my art in a new way. Artmaking has become more about process and revelation. I have used it as a portal to connect with my inner self allowing me to better know and understand myself. This knowledge has brought new insight into how I can better help my clients. Art has become something completely new. It has become a vehicle for connection to self, others and to my spirituality.  

My journey has been one of self-discovery, personal growth, and becoming. In the beginning, I had little idea what art therapy was. I began as an artist and a therapist, and I thought I could somehow combine the two identities together by taking classes and learning new things. While I did learn much, I didn’t simply combine two identities through learning. I experienced a coming home to my true authentic self. 


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Claudia Jauregui | 01.18.2021 at 11:14pm
Julie, I have always loved your collages! Your art is so relatable! That is a big part of who you are as well. I appreciate so much your honesty and how easy you make for others to connect to your story. You have been an inspiration to me and a big part of my journey in the program. You are definitely a “Seed Spreader”. I love you and I have no doubt that you will succeed “Embracing the Unknown” You are ready!
Tracy Richardson | 01.18.2021 at 12:45pm
"The Beginning" is very nice; i love your story about it! So glad you reconnected to yourself through it.
Annette Burckart | 01.17.2021 at 9:12pm
Julie- I love that you were not afraid to change directions in your career path. I too, contemplated feeling to old to change directions and like time was running out. I think you have a beautiful gift of using metaphor to represent the inner YOU !
Jana Rivers-Norton | 01.17.2021 at 12:35pm
Julie, I am so honored to witness your journey toward authenticity and the merging of and integration of identity into a more authentic, truer version of your self! Your work "Embracing the Unknown" really reaches out to me, in particular the figure in the image following to space and time where no boundaries or limits seem to exist. Surrendering to our own destinies is for me the most profound and important work we can do to help clients follow. Thank you for sharing your soul with us!
Amanda Allard | 01.15.2021 at 7:32pm
"...but the facts were the facts: someday those lights were going out. So perhaps the greatest worry of all was that one day you would realize that all the worries of your life amounted to one thing: the desire to just stop worrying. That's what the bees were, they were worries large and small, and in the dream they were moving all over her, her arms and legs and face and eyes, even inside her ears." -Justin Cronin in The Passage I also have a special connection with the bees as a symbol, and your explanation really spoke to me. Stop and have a rest on your flower. For me, it was similar. The bees are worries, they may crawl all over you, but if you are rest, still, don't swat at them, the bees will just be and will let you just be(e). Like I sad to Adrienne, your leadership, insight, and calm has been a huge gift to me and to our community. Thank you so much for your light.