Skye Landon
My work for the past 6 years and throughout my time here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College has focused on the intricacies of nature as well as all the detail nature possesses. For this reason, I love to use natural materials such as fibers and clay as a way to ground myself. I struggle with anxiety on a daily basis and have had to find ways to manifest this anxiety into my artwork. I discovered that working with clay and crocheting with fibers is a great way for me to channel this anxiety and ground myself even further.
In all of these pieces, I used some sort of fiber material to build the foundation through crocheting. I learned how to crochet at a very young age and discovered the benefits of the tactile nature of the material. Building by crocheting involves very repetitive movements that brings comfort and stability. “The Weight of Stretching and Growing” is weighed down by a ceramic vessel. The vessel represents all the uncontrollable aspects in my life while the crocheted portion represents myself having the resilience to grow and overcome the uncontrollable.
The other pieces include paintings that have been collaged and stitched onto the crocheted surfaces. The process of painting has been important for me to combat vicarious trauma and burnout. I paint with the intent to focus certain issues I am having on the blank canvases. Thoughts that are difficult to process are also included in these paintings. After the paintings are complete, I rip them up as a way to overcome the difficult thought-processes and issues. It is an interactive experience that gives me power over my circumstances. Collaging the pieces together and stitching them on the fibers gives me time to process what has been experienced.
This program has been anxiety provoking. Having many responsibilities, uncontrollable life situations, internships as well as schoolwork has been a challenge. Using these different natural materials with other materials to build these art pieces created an avenue for myself to reflect, reduce anxiety, build resilience, and combat burnout and vicarious trauma. These pieces developed over the course of the past three years have been integral in helping me become the person and therapist I need to be. I am thankful for materials that work together so seamlessly to help me grow and become.