Le Fer Hall

SMWC announces changes in DEI Office

News | 04.20.2023

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) President Dottie King announced this week that Terry Bowe will be promoted to associate vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion and human resources. Bowe was hired in 2021 as associate vice president of human resources.

Bowe will replace Dee Reed, associate vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), who will retire in May. Bowe has more than 15 years of experience in human resources (HR) and 20 years of coaching and teaching experience in higher education. Bowe also serves the College as the chair of the Diversity Council, a member of the Aspire Higher Strategic Plan Steering Committee and as head women’s basketball coach.

Terry Bowe
Terry Bowe

“I feel proud and honored to have established the first Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Aligning DEI strategies with the College’s core values laid a strong foundation for collaboration, and we made many advances in inclusive leadership,” said Reed, who has had a voice in the decision and will continue to provide support for a smooth transition.

She added, “Terry is well-equipped to lead the college community on its continued journey toward equity and inclusion by sustaining a culture of belonging where everyone feels welcomed, valued and heard.”

“From our inception, SMWC has been a multicultural place, founded by immigrants from France who did not speak English, sent here to educate young women during a time when women were not being educated,” King said. “From that time until now, we have believed that supporting diverse populations creates a culture of personal and intellectual growth. We know that learning is enhanced when we share our unique perspectives, discover our commonalities and encourage respect for our differences.”

“We remain committed to growing our DEI efforts, and I look forward to working with Terry as he transitions into this new leadership role,” said King. 

Reed, a 2008 graduate, began her career at SMWC in 2010 as the executive director of college relations, now marketing and communications. In 2020, she was promoted to associate vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion, formally establishing the Office of DEI.

Dee Reed
Dee Reed, ’08

Reed has been advocating for inclusion at The Woods even before 2020. She was instrumental in forming the SMWC Diversity Council and the Black Student Association. She was recognized by the City of Terre Haute Human Relations Commission for her work with diversity and inclusion in 2015. 

King awarded Reed the 2023 Aspire Higher Award in recognition of her service to the College, passion for the students and leadership in building a DEI program.

Terry Bowe expressed his gratitude, “Dee’s leadership has created a path forward, allowing our campus community to integrate DEI initiatives among students, faculty and staff. I aim to continue along this path by building core representation, opportunities and a knowledge base that identifies The Woods as a College with fundamental values represented across diverse constituencies.”

“The College is fortunate to have had Dee at the helm establishing a robust DEI program and laying a foundation for the future. Her diligence in establishing the first diversity initiatives during a time that was not easy and her dedication to the students are among the reasons Dee’s legacy is forever cemented at The Woods,” said King.