Le Fer Hall

SMWC students selected for Indy 500 Festival Princess Program

News | 04.24.2023

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) encourages students to aspire higher, grow and give back. That is what prompted two students, Darcie Cox and Elizabeth Wetzel, to take a leap of courage to apply to and ultimately be chosen as 500 Festival Princesses.

Darcie Cox

The program, presented by The National Bank of Indianapolis, honors philanthropic and academically driven women. Each 500 Festival Princess serves as a representative and ambassador for the program, their hometown and their academic institutions.

The highly competitive program presents excellent opportunities to full-time college students that must meet the requirements of a maintained cumulative GPA of 3.0. The program continues its upbeat yet competitive edge as only 33 women are selected for the program every year.

Darcie Cox, a sophomore, K-6 education mild intervention major, shared that her application was the start of a plan of action to use skills she’s developed to give back to the community. “I first learned about the 500 Festival Princess Program through Campus Life. They sent out an email with information about it. I had never heard of the program before, so I clicked the link. What stood out to me was that the program was searching for positive college-aged women leaders who love to volunteer. I immediately felt like I just needed to apply because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Cox said.

Elizabeth “Izzy” Wetzel, a freshman triple art major, shared that the College was also why her interest was piqued for the program. “At first, I was a little daunted at being a younger applicant, as I’m only 18. My mom really encouraged me to apply. Although I was intimidated at first, the excitement really built the further I got along in the interview process.”

Elizabeth “Izzy” Wetzel

Cox and Wetzel shared that they are excited to dive into the service aspect of the program. “The 500 Festival Princess Program really emphasizes outreach and volunteerism, so we are each required to plan outreach events of our own. In addition to having our own events, it’s important that we attend other princesses’ events as well to support each other. It’s really important to me to do all I can to support the program and my fellow princesses,” Wetzel said.

In addition to planning and attending outreach events, Cox explained that the 500 Festival Princesses also play a part in events for the Indy 500. “We work a lot with the miler races that are held and the Indy Mini Marathon. We get to cheer on the participants and hand out water to them as they are racing, and I think that’s really rewarding as we’ll be on the frontline of support,” Cox shared.

In addition to service and outreach events, the 500 Festival Program connects a mentor to each princess to assist in outreach event ideas and to build relationships they can take with them beyond the program.

Although it is a significant time commitment, Cox and Wetzel are both thankful to be a part of the program together. “Before I knew that Izzy was a princess, I didn’t know her personally at the time, but I’m thankful she got selected as a 500 Festival Princess as well. I feel that it really brought us closer together. I knew that eventually, I would probably get to know her through The Woods, but it’s just nice to have met through being in this program together,” Cox shared. “It was such a fun experience to think you’re going into the process alone, but then to see a familiar face, it was just very nice,” Wetzel added. Cox and Wetzel also shared that they are looking to host an outreach event together for the community.

Both princesses encourage students to apply, as the program can help students grow personally and professionally. “I would encourage future applicants not to be intimidated to apply. It opens a lot of doors that you can’t even imagine just by applying. I would encourage students to apply and see where it leads you,” Wetzel said. “If I could tell future applicants anything, I would say do it because you have nothing to lose. If you don’t get it your first year, apply again because once you’re selected, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience,” Cox added.

For more information about the 500 Festival Program, visit its website.