Le Fer Hall

SMWC Senior Spotlight: Abby Worley

Blog | 03.07.2025
Abby Worley

Name: Abby Worley
Major: Business Administration
Minor: Human Resources
Hometown: Greenfield, Indiana

1. Why did you choose to earn your degree at SMWC?
I chose SMWC because of the location, the opportunity to play basketball, the size of the school and the many strong relationships between professors and classmates all around.

2. Why did you choose your major?
Business administration provides me with a variety of career paths, helps me build skills that will be useful in the workplace, and has pushed my interest in human resources.

3. What is your favorite place on campus?
The Woods Café. I enjoy grabbing Starbucks, putting headphones on and doing homework.

4. What have you been involved in (student clubs and organizations, sports teams, etc.) during your time at SMWC?
Women’s Basketball Team and Office of Human Resources Intern.

5. What is a favorite memory you have from your Woods experience?
Two of my teammates and I were chosen to represent the SMWC Women’s Basketball team overseas in Europe. 

6. How do you plan to stay connected to SMWC after graduating?
I plan to go into the human resources field, so I will keep in contact with some of my professors if I ever need guidance/advice, as well as support the SMWC basketball programs.


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