Mike Aycock
In his role as coach, mentor and leader, Mike Aycock, M.A., instills a sense of discipline and integrity in his players. He strives to teach them how to succeed in life, not just soccer. Because of his dedication to leadership and high ethical standards, Aycock, head soccer coach at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, is the most recent inductee in the Indiana Soccer Hall of Fame. At a ceremony in Indianapolis on January 29, 2011, the Indiana Soccer Hall of Fame honored the outstanding achievements and contributions of individuals whose significant accomplishments and effect upon the sport in Indiana merit the highest recognition.
“Mike’s been integral in the development of soccer in the state of Indiana, particularly in Terre Haute, and understands its importance to the community,” said Vince Ganzberg, director of education for Indiana Soccer. “His approach to coaching players is not just learning skills but learning how to play skillfully. It’s like watching Thomas Jefferson teach history.”
Aycock has more than talked the talk when it comes to his contributions to Indiana soccer. He has been consistently recognized for his leadership and commitment to young athletes. Aycock has served the community in the following positions:
- Head Men’s Soccer Coach, Indiana State University
- Head Girls’ Soccer Coach, Terre Haute South Vigo High School
- Head Boys’ Soccer Coach, Terre Haute South Vigo High School
- Co-Founder, first president and board member, Vigo County Youth Soccer Association
- Instructor, Vigo County Youth Soccer Association and Indiana Youth Soccer Association
- State Staff Coach, Olympic Development Program
- Frequent presenter at Indiana Soccer symposiums
- Director of various soccer camps across the State of Indiana.
As a player, he was Indiana State University Soccer Club team captain, most valuable player and member of the all stated tournament team. He also was member of the Indianapolis Soccer Club and captain on the Terre Haute Soccer Club and the Wabash Eleven Soccer Club.
“I sincerely treasure the idea of being named among people who are my heroes,” Aycock said. “They have made soccer in Indiana this great, living thing that I’m so proud to be part of. I’m very grateful.”
Deanna Bradley, athletic director at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College described Aycock as a phenomenal coach. “He is a fundamental strategist whose understanding of the game is beyond compare,” she added. “His commitment and passion for soccer covers the spectrum from youth to professional levels, and we are blessed he has chosen to share those talents at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College for the past 10 years. I can’t think of a more deserving and honorable coach to be inducted into the Indiana Soccer Hall of Fame.”
The Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Pomeroys began the 2010-11 season as United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) national runners-up for the 11th year. In 2010, Aycock lead the SMWC soccer team to a fourth place finish and five students were named academic all-Americans.