Lindsey Chisholm

My emerging art therapist identity naturally corresponds with my personal and professional identity. This journey has changed so much of my life. I was an art educator for about 10 years prior to resigning and pursuing my master’s degree full-time. I never intended to leave the education field, but I fell in love with art therapy. Working with art in any other way seemed shallow after I started my educational journey.
In addition to the professional change, my personal and spiritual journey were influenced by my art therapy studies. I began to question societal expectations, especially after reading and observing the impact it can have on mental health. Over the past year, I have been exploring my identity, which I found is deeply rooted in my role as a woman and mother. This series of artwork represents my journey to finding myself among the rambling maze that is life. I include artwork that depicts societal influences and archetypes. Nature is my sanctuary, so green plant life is abundant in most images. The sequence of images is parallel with my personal, professional, and spiritual growth. My art therapist identity is forming roots and blooming as I learn along with my clients.
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