Stephannie Maskowski

I view myself as a progressive evolution of character and skills. I am emerging from a safety of a supportive educational setting and going out into the field on my own, but I am not alone. I am a part of a tribe, though we work and live all around the globe. I see myself as part of a community knit together through shared experiences. My artwork reflects these perspectives and has helped me grow spiritually and professionally. The shared experiences I have been a part of have helped me self-explore, self-express, and find a deeper meaning in the interpersonal relationships I have developed with peers and professionals. In my artwork, I find that I am often creating self-portraits that illustrate different parts of myself and my connection to others. Each art piece is a snapshot of who I was or where I was at the time of creation. Through their creation, I have found my voice as an artist and art therapist.
Metanoia Clean Laundry Knit Together Balance in the Storm Victim Survivor Knowledge Deep Roots Removing the Mask Grow