Gioannini Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The Theresa L. Gioannini Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, also known as the Gioannini Fellowship, is a 10-week program providing students with hands-on experience in an active research laboratory under the direction of an established scientist. The research involves planning and performing experiments to answer specific questions of biomedical interest. The primary goal is to expand a student’s life and scientific experience and equip her with a better foundation for making career choices in the biomedical sciences.
This fellowship for undergraduate research honors the life of Theresa L. Gioannini, Ph.D., scientist, teacher and Woods graduate of 1971. Gioannini passed away in January of 2014, and through the generosity of her family, we are able to extend this educational opportunity to SMWC students and continue her legacy.

About Theresa L. Gioannini

Theresa L. Gioannini, Ph.D. (1949-2014) graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in 1971 with a degree in chemistry, followed by graduate school at New York University where she earned a Ph.D. in chemistry. She died Jan. 4, 2014, after a valiant 2½-year battle with multiple myeloma. Theresa was the moral compass of her family; a teacher and mentor extraordinaire; a friend with uncommonly selfless and generous qualities; and a scientist whose creativity and rigor made possible several seminal contributions concerning opiate and MD-2/TLR4 receptors. This endowment generously established by her loving husband Jerry Weiss, Ph.D. is a special tribute to Theresa’s career in scientific research and teaching and her love for her alma mater.
Make a gift to the Gioannini Fellowship
If you would like to make a gift to the Gioannini Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, please visit our secure online giving page and select “other” under the menu of designations. From there, please type “Gioannini Fellowship” into the comment box. If you have any questions, or would like to make your gift by phone, please call 812-535-5270.
If you would like to write a check, please include “Gioannini Fellowship” on the memo line and send it to this address:
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Attn: Advancement
PO Box 70
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876