Aspire Higher Society – Le Fer Hall
Donors have helped to renovate Le Fer Hall, one of the first capital priorities of the Aspire Higher Campaign. Thanks to these donors and their gifts of $5,000 and more, SMWC has enhanced the student experience by making more than $2 million in upgrades to Le Fer Hall since 2016.
Aspire Higher Society
Anonymous Individuals | Maria and Randy Adams | Mary Clare Murphy Ariens, 1955 |
Michelle Tesar Barrentine, 1978, 2016G | Alfred Berger, Jr. | BJK Properties LLC |
Nancy Butler Bruck, 1969 and Morgan Bruck | Paulette Beauregard Campana, 2001 | Jo Marie Wolf Charlson, 1965 and Steve Charlson |
Janet Clark, Ph.D. and Daniel Clark, Ph.D. | Thomas Deputy | Ellen Gildea Douglas, 1969 |
Karen and Brian Dyer | Eli Lilly and Company | Cheryl Erazmus Freeman, 1974 and David Freeman |
Garmong Construction Services | Anne Becherer Hambly, 1969 and Lawrence Hambly | Susan Eichmuller Hamilton, 1966, 1990G and Wayne Hamilton |
Margaret Harrison, 1976 | Jeanie Reime Heller, 1970 | Mary Ann Kelly Hellmann, 1964 |
Rita Hessley, Ph.D. | Cynthia Evard Hodapp, 1969 and Peter Hodapp | Susan Ameling Hoecker, 1969 and David Hoecker |
Sharon Duvall Holmes, 1964 and Jon Holmes | Judith Coulup Hund, 1987, 2013G and Mark Hund | Tana Thompson Jaeger, 1989 and Scott Jaeger |
Dottie King Ph.D. and Wayne King, 2014G | Clifford Lewis | Kristen Sickafoose Loxley, 1981 and Frank Loxley |
Anita Tiberi McMahon, 1961 | Michael McMahon | Mary Avery Mesterharm, 1968 and Dean Mesterharm |
Beth Herzog Michel, 1994, 2009G and Christopher Michel | Martha Leinenbach Moore, 1961 and Thomas Sidney Moore | Margaret Kelly Murray, 1970 |
Estate of Marydel Harrison Neumann, 1960 | Estate of Patricia Skepnek O’Grady, 1954 | Kymberli Huet Payonk, 1986 and Richard Payonk |
Nancy Payonk, 1981 | Clare Martin Phelan, 1966 | Maureen Phillips, 1966 |
Ann Prox, 1973 | R. Adams Roofing, Inc. | Christine Roenitz, 1968 |
Margaret Grimmer Rolf, 1973 and Eric Rolf | Constance Griffin Samoluk, 1966 and Gregory Samoluk | Marcia Reder Schmidt, 1972 and Jerome Schmidt |
Audra Simel, 2001 | Donetta and Richard Smith | Claire Thuning Roberson, Ph.D., 1967 and Noble Roberson, Jr. |
Dawn Tomaszewski, SP, 1974 | Toyota of Terre Haute | Mary Kay Campbell Watson, 1969 and John Alan Watson |
Estate of Sondra Cornelius Wellman, 1954 | Patricia Pratka Womack, 1965 and Donald Womack |