Legacy Guild (Planned Giving)
Donors who support the College with a gift from their estate, or other planned giving vehicle, provide the foundation for academic excellence in years to come. Through their generosity, Legacy Guild members demonstrate so clearly how one generation can help the next.
Legacy Guild
Maria and Randy Adams | Rita Aigner, 1958 | Helen M. Andrews, 1983 |
Mary Clare Murphy Ariens, 1955 | Mary Add Wilson Baker, 1971 and James Baker | Mary Barrett, 1965 |
Diana Schmitt Barry, 1966 | Andrea Acciavatti Bartels, 1988 and Paul Gerard Bartels | Janet Rupp Bates, 1987 |
Sarah Jane Batt, 1982 | Barbara Beatty, 1956 | Mary Catherine Stein Bir, 1970 |
Karen Steffen Blesch, 1999 and D. Scot Blesch | Margaret Bohl, 1962 | Paula Andres Bourne, 1969 and Joseph Bourne |
Catherine Bradley, 1975 | Nancy Glaser Bray, 1965 | Martha Brennan, 1986 and Sheila Galvin, 1987 |
Ellen Ranieri Brown, 1968 | Nancy Butler Bruck, 1969 and Morgan Bruck | Barbara Brugnaux, 1970 and Carl Bender |
Shaun Alexis Bryant, 1971 | Linda Meeks Butchart, 1983 | Julia Kelly Byard, 1999 and David Byard |
Roberta Reno Caito, 1981 and Philip Caito | Paulette Beauregard Campana, 2001 | Kathy Bogan Cannady, 1962 |
Jacqueline Chott Carey, 1959 and Thomas Carey | Katherine Roenitz Chesebro, 1965 and Robert Chesebro, Jr. | Maria Ciaudelli Cholak, 1990 and Michael Cholak |
Mary Helen Walker Clayton, 1965 and James Clayton | Grace Wollersheim Colette, 1981, 1988G and David Coats | Susan Mastroianni Collamati, 1971, 1988G and Ernest Collamati |
Aurelia Duralski Costanza, 1960 | Joan MacDonald Costello, 1956 | Rosemary Cirando Coyne, 1959 and John Coyne |
Ruth Davis, 2008G | Pamela Pankiewicz Dechert CFRE, 1993 and Derek Dechert | Joseph DeTurris |
Meghan Groeger DeVito, 1970 and James DeVito | Mary Clare Fox Dibb, 1974 and Phillip Dibb | Sharon Dickman, 1968 and Michael Wentzel |
Joan Mellican Dickson, 1959 and Robert Dickson | Kathryn Stineman Dittrich, 1977 and Gary Dittrich | Jennifer Fredericks Dorsey Ph.D., 1997 and Michael Dorsey |
Ellen Gildea Douglas, 1969 | Penny Higgins Dunham, 1969 and William Dunham | Rosemarie Roney Eckman, 1951 and Edward Eckman |
Molly Elizabeth Ellsworth, 1992, 2010G | Nancy Hurrle Emmett, 1965 and Stephen Emmett | Mary Rehorst Engelkamp, 1962 and Glenn Engelkamp |
Michelle Nichols Engle, 1990 and Mark Engle | Ella Joan Fenoglio, 1968 | Patricia Doherty Finnegan, 1956 |
Nancy Findley Fitzjarrald, 1966 and Floyd Fitzjarrald | Patricia E. Flynn, Ph.D., 1951 | Lynda Forsythe, 1968 |
Amy Melinda Frakes, 1994 | Sheila Rooney Funk, 1960 and Eugene Funk | Stacey Long Gallagher, 1996 and Andrew Gallagher |
Florence Christi Ganzon Garcia, 1988 | Kathleen Gerend-Meinking, 1970 and John Meinking | Mary Dunn Giarratana, 1949 |
Joan Gibson, 1964 | Judith Haley Giesen, 1959 | Frances Ginther, 1967 |
Joanne Golding, SP, 1961 | Jennoa Graham, 2000 | Celestine Hamant, 1962 |
Susan Eichmuller Hamilton, 1966, 1990G and Wayne Hamilton | Rosemarie Neimeyer Hansell, 1968 | Margaret Harrison, 1976 |
Patricia Hughes Hartlage, MD, 1963 | Khadija Kay Hassan, 2005 | Mary Holtz Hathorn, 1966 |
Erin Brackney Heflin, 2007 and John Heflin | Jeanie Reime Heller, 1970 | Mary Ann Kelly Hellmann, 1964 |
Darlene Hensley, Ph.D., 1974 | Margaret Herzog | Giannina Lombardo Hofmeister-Connolly, 1964 and James Connolly |
Sharon Duvall Holmes, 1964 and Jon Holmes | Judy Reich Hoyt, 1962 | Judith Coulup Hund, 1987, 2013G and Mark Hund |
Louise Still Jackson, 1997 | Janet Jayo, 1983 | Elizabeth Nardi Jeffries, 1984 and Stephen Tweed |
Celeste Kissel Karcher, 1978 and David Karcher | Bethany Arnold Karger, 1972 and Bruce Karger | Gaye Salerno Kenny, 1959 and Phillip Kenny |
Valerie Wojak Kiesel, 1977 and Robert Kiesel | Judie and John Knoerle | Virginia Kott, 1950 |
Frances Supplitt Kramer, 1947 | Anna Stapleton-Horton Krug, 1985 | Martha Rumely Kuehn, 1969 and Henry Kuehn |
Barbara Langley, 1961 | Carole Lattus Liggett, 1958 and James Liggett | Therese Roy Light, 1948 |
Donna Eichmuller Liszewski, 1969 | Mary Ellen and James Long | Shirley Lumsdon |
Jude Anne Magers, 2006G | Cathy Wiggs Mahaffey, 1963 | Kathryn Morrill Mancuso, 1957 |
Midge Maroni, 1968 | Ann Browne Martin, 1960 and Charles Martin | Kathryn Martin, Ed.D., 1963 |
Elizabeth Borders McAndrews, 1965 and Mike McAndrews | Margaret McElroy, 1963 | Nora Hilger McGowan, 1966 |
Marianne Zapapas McGriff, 1970 and Carver McGriff | Mary Piszczek McPartlin, 1965 and Lawrence McPartlin | Eva Gankiewicz Merkel, 1983 and Glenn Merkel |
Mary Avery Mesterharm, 1968 and Dean Mesterharm | Beth Herzog Michel, 1994, 2009G and Christopher Michel | Camille Allison Miller, 1994 |
Mary Moloney, SP, 1961, 2006G | Martha Leinenbach Moore, 1961 and Thomas Sidney Moore | Mary Echsner Moore, 1973 |
Julie and Thomas Moore | Carol Kobar Moulton, 1966 and Michael Moulton | Susan Mower, 1970 |
Eileen Janssens Nasif, 1965 and William Nasif | Elizabeth O’Connell, 1962 | Anne Marie O’Neill, 1969 |
Margaret Mathews O’Neill, 1964 and Patrick O’Neill | Kirstin O’Rourke-Wilson, 2016 and Jordan Wilson | Susan Seufert Orr, 1965 |
Doris S. Parker | Patricia Zapapas Parry, 1971 and Richard Parry | Virginia Sackman Paxson, 1988 and Gale Paxson |
Wallette Garcia Pellegrino, 1962 | Margery Lewis Petterson, 1972 and Leif Petterson | Agnes Louise Piszczek, 1959 |
Janet Newland Pitt, 1961 and Larry Pitt | Alice Provissiero, 1965 | Mary Provissiero, 1967 |
Ann Prox, 1973 | Alice Quinlan, 1965 | John and Vicki Ragle |
John G. Ragle | Patrick and Nancy Ralston | Anita Clune Rankin, 1953 and Robert Rankin |
Berenice Reed, 1955 | Barbara Munich Regnault, 1980 | Anne Baker Robinson, 1985 |
Mary Frances Fitzgerald Root, 1957 | Terry Roth, 1988 | Katherine Krider Satchwill, 1965 |
Judith Scally, 1968 | Kathleen Owen Scanlon, 1972 and James Scanlon | Eileen Haley Schellhammer, 1961 and James Schellhammer |
Carolyn Shelton Schmidt, 1967 | Marcia Reder Schmidt, 1972 and Jerome Schmidt | Ginger Humphreys Scott, 2006 and Fred Scott |
Alice Sherfick Shelton, 1987 and John Shelton | Kenneth Siarkiewicz, 1991G and Emilie Siarkiewicz | Lisa Kay Sojka, 1986 |
Georgia Spaetti, 1960 | Mary Jo Steffes, 1966, 1996G | Lori Harris Strawn, 1987 and Owen Strawn |
Bill Swift | Margaret Therese Tichulka, 1976 | Russell Tyldesley, 2007G |
Edward and Melissa Van Awken | Janice Searles Vanderhaar, 1959 | Elizabeth Manier Wack, 1953 |
Mary O’Brian Wade, 1983 and James Wade | Mary Kay Campbell Watson, 1969 and John Alan Watson | Donna Watzke, 1959 |
Susan Catasein Weber, 1977 and Gregory Weber | Charlotte Berger Westerhold, 1961 | Angela White, 1986 and Matthew Donovan |
Daniel Wilk | Patricia Lewis Wisler, MD, 1963 | Patricia Pratka Womack, 1965 and Donald Womack |
Tel yo Yoshida, 1964 | Jacqueline Trzaska Zapf, 1972 and Michael Zapf, DPM |