For many students at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC), Ring Day is a culmination of their journey at The Woods – a special ceremony in which they can reflect on all they have accomplished. Students earn an onyx ring their junior year and are able to choose someone to co-present, along with President Dottie King, Ph.D., as they receive their ring during the ceremony. It is often the most anticipated and remembered day, even above graduation. So you can imagine how special it must be for Hannah and Jordan Schultz, Birdseye, Ind., a married couple who will participate in Ring Day, this year, together.
Jordan and Hannah first met in high school. Their paths crossed occasionally, but they lost track of each other. While Hannah was attending SMWC, she contacted Jordan about information for a summer job. At the time, he worked at the French Lick Resort as a trail guide, and since Hannah was in the equine program, she was looking for a related job. She ended up working in a different department as the marketing coordinator for the resort, but as a result of that inquiry, they began dating.
Each have very different Woods experiences. Jordan is a current Woods Online student receiving his ring. Hannah was a 2010 campus graduate who received her ring several years ago and is now co-presenting her husband with his ring.
“Presenting my husband’s ring to him has become meaningful to me, as it gives me an opportunity to give him more of a connection to SMWC,” said Hannah. “Since he’s attending online and so busy with work and family, I don’t think he’s felt as much of a connection to The Woods as I did. When we realized that I could present his ring to him, I think he began to feel that connection.”
Jordan agrees. “Ring Day is my chance to be a part of the culture at The Woods,” he said. “Having my wife as a co-presenter kind of started out as a joke. But the more we thought about it, the more sense it made. It’s really awesome that she’s able to share in this experience with me, and that I’m able to share it with her.”
Jordan, a Woods Online math major, plans to graduate this December. As a former service member in the Marine Corps, Jordan took advantage of the financial aid and benefits that SMWC offers to veterans.
“I chose SMWC for a couple reasons,” he said. “The first is obviously my wife went there, so I knew a little bit about it. The second is that SMWC offers a great veterans program, so that kind of tipped things into its favor. I chose online purely because of scheduling purposes. It allows me to work full time and be a full-time student.”
Jordan plans to obtain his teaching license and become a high school math teacher. Ring Day is just another step toward that goal and a celebration of being closer to accomplishing it.
Describing her own Ring Day, Hannah said, “As a student, Ring Day was significant in that I was gaining a physical symbol of what I had accomplished that I would take with me in the world and would mark me as a representative of the College.”
For Hannah, this Ring Day will hold even more meaning.
“For me, it’s a chance to re-connect with the school. I haven’t had a chance to visit since graduation, so for me it will be a homecoming of sorts,” she said. “I know what The Woods has given me – in memories, education, and life experience – and I’m honored to share the experience with my husband.”
Jordan and Hannah live in Birdseye, Ind., where Jordan is an apprentice for the Local 181 Operators Union and Hannah is a stay-at-home mom to their two children: Coltyn (2) and Joanna (7 months).
This year’s Ring Day celebration will take place Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 2 p.m. in the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College campus.