Kimberly LaComba, Ph.D., director of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program and associate professor of global leadership at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC), was awarded the first endowed professorship in the College’s history. The award was made possible by the family of Margaret “Peggy” Kelly Deputy ’64, also known to The Woods community as “PK.” The PK Deputy Endowed Professorship was established in 2022 to honor Deputy and to help develop and support exemplary faculty to teach and grow students into leaders for tomorrow.

Janet Clark, Ph.D., provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, announced LaComba as the recipient during a faculty awards ceremony. Clark emphasized the importance of faculty scholarship: “Their research, discoveries and contributions to their discipline not only refresh and inform their teaching but also provide invaluable opportunities for students to learn and grow. Awarding this professorship to faculty is a testament to their significant contributions and will bring lasting rewards for the institution.”
An endowed professorship is typically the highest academic award a college or university bestows upon a faculty member. It honors the faculty member and the donor who established it by creating an enduring tribute.
LaComba was excited and humbled to be the first recipient. “I am thankful to PK Deputy and her family for investing in faculty research and teaching. I look forward to having the opportunity to expand the World as 100 People research while also expanding college-wide global opportunities through this initiative.”

LaComba’s submission outlined a thorough and interesting research study in collaboration with the 100 People Foundation. The outcomes of this study will provide a deeper understanding of the world as 100 people statistics by using qualitative methods and data visualization that will encourage global awareness and increase global mindsets. This study will also connect the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework to address global challenges and opportunities identified by the individuals sharing their experiences.
The outcomes could ultimately encourage individuals worldwide to be agents of positive change. Her plans for the Endowed Professorship include supporting global travel costs to carry out the research, funds for analysis and results, doctoral student research support, and creating virtual study abroad experiences to support the Ph.D. in Global Leadership and Master of Business Administration programs at SMWC.
Clark added, “I am grateful to the Deputy family for funding our first-ever endowed professorship. We envision awarding our endowed professorships to different faculty members annually or bi-annually via a competitive process. Our process will allow new faculty members each year to benefit from the time and resources to complete more research and scholarly work instead of just one.”