Le Fer Hall

Lean Six Sigma Green Belts awarded at SMWC

News | 04.26.2023

Janet Clark, Ph.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, recently announced that two staffers had completed Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training and presented them with their certificates and belts.

Janet Clark, Ph.D., Amy Houser ’02 and Sara Boyer ’02, ’13G

Sara Boyer ’02, ’13G, MLD, executive director for student success, and Amy Houser ’02, director of financial aid, were both presented their awards in the most recent staff assembly. The Lean Six Sigma training resulted from the College’s inclusion in a grant awarded by Lilly Endowment, Inc., led by the University of Indianapolis for student retention. As Green Belts, Boyer and Houser will utilize this training to help SMWC identify barriers to the success and retention of campus students and assist in establishing new and innovative initiatives to help overcome challenges.

Clark commended Boyer and Houser, “The Green Belt training that Sara and Amy have completed equips them to identify barriers and create opportunities that will impact the retention of students during their educational journey.”

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification focuses on how efficiency and processes can be improved to deliver customer quality, in this case, a better student experience for students at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.