Kristy Fry
Director of Creative Services
Office of Marketing and Communications
1. Explain your role at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College? (What’s your daily routine, what’s your role in big events on campus, what is your role with students, etc.)
In my role, I provide leadership, supervision and direction of creative services, including designing print and digital materials for all departments of the institution. I collaborate with faculty and staff to support their departmental goals and to provide materials for their appropriate audiences, while maintaining the institutional brand and implementing the ultimate goal and mission of the College. I also serve as the creative director for the Onyx Anneau magazine.
2. What do you enjoy most about SMWC?
I love the community. We are small enough to know each other — faculty, staff and students, as well as many of our alumni! I also really enjoy designing materials that tell the Woods story and assist the College in fulfilling its mission.
3. Tell us more about yourself? (Hobbies, family, community involvement, etc.)
I’m in love with Jesus, a country girl at heart and I’ve been at SMWC for nearly 24 years. I enjoy photography, coloring, writing letters and sending cards to others. I’ve been married for 36 years. My favorite thing to do is to spend time with our daughter, son, their spouses and our five grandchildren.
4. Why should people become engaged with The Woods?
This is such a special place. People here really care about our students and each other. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s story is so relatable to everyday life. There are always obstacles in life, but when you put your faith into action and keep moving forward as she did, you can make great things happen. You can change people’s lives.
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