About the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Guided by our faith, our commitment to the future compels us to cultivate diversity and strive to be a just, and inclusive institution. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College remains dedicated to social justice and a responsibility to uphold human dignity for all. We value and respect differences, which contributes to the richness of life and empowers students to become leaders of inclusion. We reinforce belonging and value the intrinsic worth of all people while actively working to challenge discrimination and bias and support antiracist education.
We define diversity in its broadest sense as a range of individual differences including learning styles, life experiences and personality and group/social differences including age, class, race and ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, language, culture, national origin, religious commitments, (dis)ability status and political perspective. In this environment, we appreciate and celebrate diverse identities, perspectives and experiences which strengthens our community.
Equity ensures fair treatment, access and opportunity for all people. Equity seeks to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent the full participation of individuals or groups. Improving equity refers to just practices and policies as well as the distribution of resources.
Inclusion is what brings diversity to life. Real inclusion goes beyond the numbers. It describes the intentionality of creating an environment in which everyone feels welcomed, valued and supported. We encourage honest and authentic dialogue where all voices are heard. And together, we learn to express civil discourse in respectful and thoughtful ways with those we may strongly disagree with.