Academic Records Policy
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College insures that all practices regarding the security of student academic records comply with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
Students are entitled to review their own academic records upon written request. Students may view their own transcripts at any time at the Office of the Registrar or online at MyRecords.smwc.edu. Neither final grades nor grade point averages are released over the telephone or via email. No other person or agency has the right to review academic records without the written permission of the student, with a few exceptions such as faculty with an educational interest, or certain federal and state agencies.
The College does have the right to release certain information about students, including the information called “directory”, such as name, major, dates of attendance, and degrees and honors conferred. Usually, in the interest of privacy and safety, the College does not fulfill requests from third parties for addresses and telephone numbers.
Transcripts should be requested well in advance of the date needed. Requests are usually filled within two business days. Student financial accounts must be in good standing before transcripts will be released.