Students with Disabilities Policy
The College is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with documented disabilities in order to afford them an equal opportunity to participate in the College’s programs, courses and activities. In order for the College to assist students with disabilities effectively under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who have been accepted for enrollment and request accommodations must provide documentation of their disabilities from a physician, psychologist, testing center, state or federal agency, or other qualified evaluator. The ADA Advisor is designated to communicate with prospective or matriculated students to discuss needed support services and to communicate in writing what services the College may provide. Accepted students should contact the Office of Admission for further information, and matriculated students should contact the ADA Advisor directly.
- The student is responsible for providing documentation of disability to the College and requesting specific accommodations.
- Students accepted for enrollment may provide documentation to the Office of Admission prior to matriculation. The Office of Admission will keep the original documentation in the admitted student’s file, and a copy shall be provided to the ADA Advisor as the coordinator of support services.
- Matriculated students may provide documentation of disability directly to the ADA Advisor. Information shared with these offices will be kept confidential unless the student authorizes the release and exchange of specified information.
- The ADA Advisor will meet with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and appropriate faculty or staff members to determine which support services the College is able to provide. Services available to students with known disabilities include, but are not limited to: the Learning Resource Center, a student-staffed tutoring program, note-taking assistance, alternate location for test taking, Academic Support Team, and additional time for in-class tests and assignments. Other services may be available on an individual basis. All accommodations will be reasonable, appropriate and will be provided according to the requirements of the ADA and the documentation provided.
- Notification of faculty or staff: After consultation with the student, the ADA Advisor will provide the student with a letter detailing the services that the College is able to provide. The student may share this letter with faculty or staff to request specific accommodations, as needed.
- The ADA Advisor will be available to students to discuss changes in their circumstances or other matters related to their specific needs and accommodations.