Transfer Policies
Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College accepts transfer hours from regionally accredited institutions if the student earned the grade of “C” or better (in undergraduate courses) or a “B” or better (in graduate courses) and the course applies to the student’s degree program. The evaluation and application of transfer credit is processed in the Office of the Registrar.
Advanced Placement Credit
Test results from Advanced Placement examinations given by the College Entrance Examination Board are used to determine eligibility for advanced placement in college courses, waiver of required courses, and/or the awarding of college credit. Scores of 3 or above are required for eligibility for college credit.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) Credit and DSST/Dantes Credit
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College grants credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST/ Dantes examinations with scores at or above the minimum levels recommended by the American Council on Education if the credits apply to the student’s degree program at the College. An official report of scores must be submitted to the Registrar before a credit award is made. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College’s Learning Resource Center is an official CLEP testing site. Students planning to take CLEP or DSST/Dantes tests must do so before they have 100 semester hours completed towards the bachelor’s degree, 45 semester hours towards the associate degree.
International Baccalaureate Credit
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College recognizes the level of commitment to academic excellence demonstrated by those high school students who elect to pursue the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. IB higher level exam scores of at least 4 result in 6 to 8 hours of college-level credit in the appropriate discipline. Application of the credit to specific courses or degree requirements will be at the discretion of the relevant academic department. Official transcripts issued by the International Baccalaureate North America Office should be sent directly to the Registrar.
Credit for Prior Learning
Students who have acquired college-level knowledge through employment, volunteer work, non-college based training programs or other means may be awarded college credit in several ways. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College accepts the credit recommendations of the American Council on Education for military training programs (including credit for physical education) and for business and professional training (e.g. programs or examinations of the American Bankers Association, American Management Association, International Association of Administrative Professionals, etc.) if the credits apply to a student’s program at the College. (See: acenet.edu/credit for the National Guide Online).
For other college-level learning, students may apply for college credit through Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). Awards are made on the basis of faculty evaluation of student applications. A maximum of 30 credit hours may be earned through CPL. Details may be obtained from academic advisors. Application materials for CPL must be submitted for evaluation before the student has 100 semester hours of credit completed towards the bachelor’s degree, or 45 semester hours completed towards the associate degree.
Not all colleges accept prior learning credit or credit by examination. If a student enrolled at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College earns such credits but does not complete a degree here, it is possible that some of these credits will not transfer elsewhere, depending on the policies of the receiving institution.