To celebrate International Education Week, several international students shared their perspectives on what it’s like to be an international student in the United States. See what Vini from Brazil, Juan Simon from Colombia and Mithcell from England had to say about their experiences so far!

Vinicius (Vini) Steger
From: Goiania, Brazil
Freshman at SMWC
Major: Business
What is an American word or expression that has caught your attention?
My favorite word to say in English is “relax.” I don’t really know why that is my choice, I just like it.
What is your favorite American fast-food chain or restaurant?
Raising Canes.
How similar or different is SMWC to your home?
It is different. Goiania is just a bigger city. It seems that everyone is in a rush at home. Here things are calmer.
Share some places you have visited so far and places you would like to visit.
I have been to Pennsylvania, and I would like to visit California.
How different is the weather here compared to your home?
Here, different seasons are easy to identify because the weather changes a lot. Back in Goiania, the weather is similar all the time during the whole year.
How similar or different are the classes in America compared to Brazil?
Back at home, I had 62 students in my classes. In Brazil, professors are not as close to students as they are here.
How do you like SMWC professors so far?
I like them a lot so far. They care about students and how much they learn.

Juan Simon Vega
From: Bogota, Colombia
Freshman at SMWC
Major: Marketing
What is an American word or expression that has caught your attention?
It is not that much of a word or expression, but what I found interesting, is how Americans have a different weight and a different measurement system. For instance, Americans use pounds instead of kilograms, miles instead of kilometers and Fahrenheit instead of Celsius.
What is your favorite American fast-food chain or restaurant?
Olive Garden
How similar or different is SMWC to Home?
Bogota, where I live, is way bigger. I feel [back at home] there are more things to do due to the difference in size of the population. Also, transportation is different. In Columbia, people are more used to walking distance, public transportation or even a cab, compared to driving themselves.
Places you have visited so far, and places you would like to visit.
Honestly, I have been to several states so far. In the future, I would like to visit Alaska.
How different is the weather in America compared to Columbia?
It is quite different. Back at home, it just feels like we only have one season, since the weather is pretty similar all year. Here, you can really tell the difference in each season.
How similar or different are the classes here compared to your home?
Here at SMWC, professors want you to succeed in their class, meaning that they care about you and how you are doing. Back at home, most universities have a lot of students, and this means that you have to study most of the course at home and bring questions to class, but you must know the material beforehand.
How has your experience with American people been so far?
I believe Americans are great, but one thing I found is that here, relationships are not very deep. They are more for the moment and to have fun in the present, not that much for the future.
Something you brought from home to make SMWC feel like home.
Just my flag that I hung in my room.
What is something you would bring from your country/city to SMWC? And from Bogota to SMWC?
I would like to have the sports facilities that we have at SMWC, back in Colombia. If I had to bring something from home, I would like more public areas or just bigger buildings.
How different is the food in America compared to Columbia?
I feel like in America, food is not as healthy, and there is not that much variety. Also, we have more homemade food back home.

Mitchell Stewart
From: Runcorn, England
Freshman at SMWC
Major: Accounting
What is an American word or expression that has caught your attention?
I’m going to say that here in America, people say soccer fields instead of football pitches.
What is your favorite American fast-food chain or restaurant?
Panda Express
How similar or different is SMWC to your home?
Back home, everything just feels bigger – the buildings, shopping malls, etc.
Places you have visited so far, and places you would like to visit.
I would like to visit New York.
How different is the weather in America compared to England?
It is not as grey here as it is back home. Here, when it is cloudy, it clears quite fast.
What is your favorite place on campus?
The soccer fields.
How has your experience with American people been so far?
It has been good. I feel that people here have a lot of energy.
Something you brought from home to make SMWC feel like home.
I brought my flag.
What has been your favorite campus event so far?
I really enjoyed bingo.