Last week, Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society inducted 13 new members. Since being first established in 2017, the society has continued to grow. The program included 10 BSN students, one RN-BSN student and two graduate students.

BSN Students
Brooke Andrus
Jesylan Lambermont
Emily Little
Tayler Mason
Kaylie Meehan
Faith Pokryfke
Ashley Rogers
Emilee Roush
Zoe Trausch
Olivia Welch
RN-BSN Student
Erin Young, RN
Graduate Students
Lindsay Dulworth, BSN, RN
Angelia Walters, BSN, RN
It’s a great academic achievement for students to be invited to join the society, as member invitations are based on a grade point average of 3.0 or above and ranking in the upper 35% of their class with completion of at least half of the nursing curriculum. A nurse leader member is invited to the SMWC Honor Society of Nursing based on their degree in nursing (a minimum of a baccalaureate degree), registered nurse license in the U.S. and demonstration of achievement in nursing. Each inductee was presented with a certificate of membership, a membership pin and each signed their name in the record of membership.