Sunday, January 23, 2022
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. EST
Woods Student Center, Rooney Library
Join members of the Terre Haute Alumni Club as we host a Simply A”door”able Painting Party! There are so many projects to choose from! We will gather in the Woods Student Center, located in the Rooney Library on the campus of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. You do not need to be an alumni of SMWC to attend this event. Bring a friend with you for this fun event. Registration details are available in the link below.
Most projects are $35 per person, but some are $50. This is a fundraiser for the Terre Haute Alumni Club’s scholarship fund. 15% of every sign sold will go to scholarships for SMWC students. The deadline to register is January 16. Orders must be placed and paid for at time of registration.
Check out the event page on Facebook for more details about craft designs, who’s attending, and more!