Le Fer Hall

Slocum named AVP for Student Affairs at SMWC

News | 07.24.2023

Aaron C. Slocum, Ph.D., has been named Associate Vice President for Student Affairs at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC), according to Janet Clark, provost and vice president for academic affairs. Slocum most recently was the director of equity, access, retention and mentoring at Indiana State University (ISU). During his 11 years at ISU, he held positions ranging from area coordinator of residential life, program coordinator for 21st Century Scholars, director of the mentoring center and interim director of equity and inclusion.

Aaron C. Slocum, Ph.D., associate vice president for student affairs

Commenting on Slocum’s appointment, Clark said, “Aaron brings a wealth of expertise and leadership from former positions that interacted with larger and more diverse student populations.  As the student population at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College grows and diversifies, Aaron’s experiences will help us continue to innovate and provide a robust student experience.”

As associate vice president of student affairs, Slocum will oversee student life, residential life, SMWC counseling center, campus minister’s office, student organizations, student health and commuter student resources.

He was awarded his Ph.D. in educational leadership and higher education from ISU in 2020, his master’s degree in student affairs and higher education from ISU in 2011 and a bachelor’s degree in sports management from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in 2009.

Slocum is excited about coming to the College. “I am excited for this new chapter in my life. I come to The Woods with enthusiasm and determination. My passion for students is my compass, and perseverance is my guide. I look forward to interacting with students, faculty, staff, and alum as I unleash my potential and make a meaningful impact on the college experience at SMWC.”