Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College’s (SMWC) Ph.D. in Global Leadership program will offer a Business Administration concentration beginning in Fall 2024. This will give doctoral students two concentration options: Business Administration or Organizational Behavior and Change. The Ph.D. in Global Leadership program was introduced in the Fall of 2020 at SMWC and is 100% online.

The new concentration will present a unique opportunity to increase the accessibility of a doctoral degree for students with a master’s degree in business administration (MBA). A student who has earned an MBA from an accredited college/university can transfer their completed MBA coursework to satisfy the required 18 credit hours for the Business Administration concentration. This will enable students with an MBA to have the option to complete the program in three years rather than four.
Kimberly LaComba, Ph.D., director of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program, is excited to offer this new addition, stating, “The Ph.D. in Global Leadership program continues to be committed to preparing global leaders in scholarship and practice. The new Business Administration concentration provides those who have earned an MBA with the next step to continue their education while ultimately saving time and being mindful of costs while continuing to offer academic excellence in global leadership doctoral education.”
Lamprini Pantazi, Ph.D., dean of business and leadership, added, “SMWC creates opportunities within new programming to further inspire and encourage global leadership worldwide. The new addition of the MBA concentration in our Ph.D. in Global Leadership program will attract additional practitioners and academics from around the world, leading to an even more dynamic and multicultural student body.”
Indiana alone houses over 1,000 foreign-owned businesses from 40 countries (Indiana Economic Development Corporation, 2022). As the state of Indiana works toward a more global outlook, there is a significant opportunity for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership with a concentration in Business Administration to help global business leaders from Indiana and around the world to leverage their MBA degree.
SMWC is one of only 19 colleges and universities worldwide that offer a terminal degree of specialization in global leadership. Applications are being accepted now by visiting or emailing for more information.