Jessica Crawford ’19G, advancement officer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC), was recently recognized as a 12 Under 40 recipient for 2022. Each 12 Under 40 recipient was recognized for their dedication to the Terre Haute community.

Crawford, who moved to Terre Haute in 2012 to attend Indiana State University, became very involved throughout college and found a love for both volunteering and the Terre Haute community. “Everyone is very welcoming, no matter where you come from. You don’t have to be a native to call Terre Haute home,” Crawford shared. “Coming from a small town, I wanted to go somewhere that had a bigger city feel. In college, I got involved in the community through the Presidential Scholars and the Networks Professional Development program – both required community service hours. My internship at Marketability also played a part in getting to know the people of the community.”
Crawford explained that the longer she stays in Terre Haute, the more she grows with it. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Cameron, and her dogs, Charlotte and Sammy. She enjoys being out in nature, taking hikes and crafting.
In addition to serving as Advancement Officer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Crawford devotes her time to other organizations. She serves as an advisor to the Gamma Omicron Chapter of Delta Gamma, is a mentor for the Networks Professional Development Program, and serves on the Board of Advisors for The Swope Art Museum. She’s also volunteered with United Way with service projects with reTHink Inc and Happiness Bag.
To some, it might seem like too much to balance, but Crawford said it’s all about staying organized. “I always make sure to prioritize. I want to be able to give my full dedication to whatever I’m involved in so they reach the full potential for the goal.”

“Jess is one of those individuals who give one hundred percent to whatever she is involved in at the time,” said Kristy Fry, director of creative services at SMWC.
Maja Austin ’11G, was also one of the recipients of the 12 Under 40 awards. As owner of Little Bear Coffee Company in North Terre Haute, Austin understands the need to support local businesses throughout the Wabash Valley. She stated that her son serves as her motivation to make a difference in Terre Haute. “I want to build a place for him to help build the community up so the future is better for him if he chooses to stay here.”
Both Crawford and Austin display a deep passion for Terre Haute. Crawford summed it up well, “There’s just a different kind of support here that you don’t get anywhere else.”