Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) and WTHI-TV announce the October and November recipients of the Top Ten on 10 Scholarship. Throughout the academic year, the Top Ten on 10 Scholarship awards $13,000 renewable SMWC scholarships to female high school seniors in the WTHI viewing area. The awards recognize female students with strong academic backgrounds, demonstrated leadership skills and a commitment to community service.
The recipients are Jessica Claycomb, Crawfordsville, Ind.; Kendra Rambo, Bowling Green, Ind.; Whitney Stepp, Marshall, Ill.; and Ashley Tibbet, Linton, Ind.

Jessica Claycomb
Jessica Claycomb from North Montgomery High School believes the two most important characteristics of a leader are courage and persistence. “A great leader is someone who will have the courage to do what is right even if it is not the most popular course of action,” she said. Jessica illustrates her passion for learning as a member of the National Honors Society, drama club and the speech team. Her creativity supports her desire to seek a career in graphic design.

Kendra Rambo
At Owen Valley High School, Kendra Rambo exhibits her leadership skills a member of the Owen Valley Youth Board, Owen Valley Soundwaves Show Choir, Student Council, and varsity soccer. She is active in her community where she volunteers for Relay for Life and the March of Dimes.
Kendra’s passion lies in her desire to educate children. As part of a course, she had the opportunity to observe and work in a kindergarten class where the experience with the students and teachers greatly impacted her life. She shares, “I know in my heart that I want to be a light for future generations.”

Whitney Stepp
Whitney Stepp from Marshall High School strongly believes in community. “Community is people coming together to support one another and the town in which they live,” she said. Whitney lives what she believes by volunteering at the Salvation Army and serves as a Sunday school teacher at her church. She has held offices in the National Honors Society, Leo Club, Interact, PALS and Future Business Leaders of America. Whitney plans to be an education major at SMWC.

Ashley Tibbet
Being part of National Honors Society, Academic Club, Hoosier Girls State and band, would be enough activities for most high school students. For Ashley Tibbet, from Linton-Stockton High School, it is not. She wants to devote more time to community service. “I know I make a difference every time I am able to help,” she adds. Ashley makes a difference in her community through many volunteer projects. She regularly volunteers for Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity, Letterwomen’s Club the Linton Public Library, and the Linton Junior Civitan Club. Ashley is interested in a career as a doctor of radiology and will pursue a degree in pre-med at SMWC.
In addition to the 10 scholarship award winners that are named throughout the year, two students will be selected to receive $20,000 renewable SMWC scholarships. The two $20,000 scholarship winners will be announced in March.
Apply for the Top Ten on 10 Scholarship at or call the Office of Admission at (812) 535-5106.