The Office of Alumni Relations and the Office of Advancement at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) have been busy planning Reunion 2024 over the last year. Reunion will take place beginning this Friday, May 31, through Sunday, June 2. All alumni are welcome as the College celebrates the milestone years for those with class years ending in 4 or 9. Like years past, there will be activities available to attendees during the weekend, including the banquet, set for Saturday, June 1, at 6 p.m.

“Reunion is such a joyful time on campus as old friends gather to reminisce and new friends are made,” said Sarah Stultz Mahady ’05, director of alumni relations. “It is exciting to watch the reaction of alumni as they come back to campus and see what wonderful changes have been made since they were students.”
With several facility projects taking place on the south end of Le Fer Hall, residential housing was limited for this year’s Reunion guests, with special priority given to the golden attendees, those from the class of 1974 and the silver attendees from the class of 1999. Trudy Ayer Mickey ’74, shared that she is looking forward to being back at The Woods for her 50th Reunion. “For me, it is like returning home every time I come to campus,” she said.

The College will have representatives from nearly 40 classes on campus throughout the weekend. Beloved traditions like We Remember, We Celebrate (a memorial service for deceased classmates), Class Pictures and Reunion Mass will take place, while new additions will be introduced, including the Reunion 2024 Selfie Contest and a Wine and Wellness educational session offered for the second year.
“This is a special place that calls alumni home. There is so much for them to enjoy while they are here, including many traditions that continue to evolve and grow, just like the College itself,” said Catherine Mickey Saunders ’98, vice president for advancement.
To see who is attending Reunion, view the schedule for the weekend and more, visit