One of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College’s many traditions, Foundation Day of Service, offers an opportunity to give back to campus and community. Classes were canceled to allow students to give back.
Students took Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s teachings to heart and served throughout campus and the Wabash Valley. Along with the service projects, students and employees participated in educational breakout sessions that encompass the institution’s core values — social justice, spirituality, sustainability and gender equity.

Projects included making cards for military personnel and veterans, cleaning up around campus and assisting at a Terre Haute food pantry. More than 130 students volunteered for 21 projects.
Although service was required for students in the Woods Core 100 class, they didn’t mind getting to know their campus and community.
Transfer student Ciara Kelsey participated in her first Foundation Day by cleaning up the Grotto. The early childhood education major from Terre Haute says she’ll continue to participate in the years to come.
“It’s like becoming part of the history itself,” Kelsey said. “It’s nice to help contribute to the school.”
Ava McHugh, a freshman from Greencastle, Indiana, spoke during the prayer service in the morning and helped clean the Grotto in the afternoon. Foundation Day gives her a glimpse into the history of the place she now calls her second home.

“It really shows where we came from and what legacy I joined deciding to come to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College,” McHugh said. She is active with campus ministry, which opened the opportunity to speak to her Woods community.
The prayer service in McMahon Ballroom featured student speakers — including McHugh — and words from Karen Dyer, vice president for advancement and strategic initiatives.
“This is your foundation. It’s a place. It’s an idea. It’s a legacy. It’s part of you, it’s a part of me and it’s part of the Providence that will never fail you,” Dyer said.
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her companions from France founded Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on Oct. 22, 1840. Each year, Foundation Day celebrates the service, fellowship and prayer the foundress embodied.
Going forward, McHugh said she looks forward to helping to honor our founding saint. “I want to give back like Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and continue her legacy,” she said.