Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) recognized 26 employees for their years of service to the institution at the annual President’s Christmas Dinner. Interim President Brennan J. Randolph, MBA, shared that the dinner has become a favorite event and tradition at SMWC for many. The theme of this year’s dinner was Candy Cane and Holly Forest. It was a night of food, fun and fellowship for all.

Throughout the event, Randolph explained what a joy the event brings. “This event has truly become one of my favorites. I think it’s important to recognize that the business we are in isn’t easy, although many of us make it look so. It’s important that we continue to remember why we continue to do what we do. Don’t ever forget the students that you’ve helped and continue to impact,” Randolph said.
Employees are recognized for every five years of service. DJ Wasmer, DBA, MBA, professor of business and leadership, was recognized for 40 years of service to the College. In his 40 years at the College, Wasmer has served as a professor in the campus program, WED – now known as Woods Online and graduate programs. As the founder and former chair of the Master of Leadership Development program at SMWC, DJ is known for connecting and mentoring his students and colleagues. He’s served on numerous committees and has genuinely impacted the College. Wasmer will retire later in December.

“DJ began his journey at SMWC in 1983, earned tenure in 1991 and became a full-time professor in 1996. He is a four-time Pomeroy Faculty Excellence Award winner. Graduates continue to speak fondly of DJ and the lessons they learned in his courses. He’s continued the same mentorship to junior faculty and has advocated for them. We are thankful to DJ and we recognize him tonight for promoting and serving this community and 40 years of dedication to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.”
Kristy Fry, director of creative services, was recognized for 25 years of service. “Passion, dedication, loyalty and creativity – these are just a few traits that describe Kristy Fry. In her 25 years, she has been a tremendous asset to SMWC, especially as a faithful and caring person. Her ability to take scratched-up words on an envelope or a scrap piece of paper and craft them with the voice and visual image of the College is unmatchable,” Randolph said.
Fry started at The Woods in 1998. Like many members of The Woods family, she wears many hats, serves on several committees and loves to attend campus events. As director of creative services, she conducts many design tasks for campus and community events, often behind the scenes.
Others who were recognized for their service to the institution include:
Adjunct Faculty
Five years:
Linda Airey
Tami Harris-Thompson ‘07G
Laura Herrera
Brian Myers
Sue Radtke
Katrina Welborn
10 Years:
Gina Baird
Abby Calisch
Erin Fox

Full-time Faculty and Staff
Five years:
Frankie Enochs ’93
Joshua Morgan
Penny Quinn
Sauad Sakalli-Gumus
Amy Spence ’02
Timothy Tesmer
Theresa Watson
Ten years:
Kelly Drake
Maggie Higgins
Matthew Moore
Douglas Sperry
20 years:
Rebecca Andrews
Janet Clark
John McIntyre
Andee Swick ‘03
25 years:
Kristy Fry
40 years:
Donald “DJ” Wasmer
To conclude the evening, Randolph shared the importance of the Christmas season. “I think it’s very unique that we all serve a place where we’re able to reference this time as the Christmas season,” Randolph said. As tradition, the evening ended with the sharing of the Christmas Story, read by Dawn Tomaszewski, SP, ’74, general superior of the Sisters of Providence.