Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) began the spring semester with the largest spring campus enrollment on record. Campus enrollment reached 500 with 520, the most ever. Additionally, there were 28 new campus students, also a record.

Woods Online enrollment began the spring semester with 72 new students, one of the largest online starting classes in recent years. Total online enrollment for the spring semester totaled 330.
The growth of Woods Online was partly due to the introduction of the Paramedic Science to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (PM to BSN) program, announced in November 2022. This online program, one of just two in the country, will allow students with a paramedic license to earn a BSN in as little as two years.
Brennan Randolph, vice president for enrollment management and institutional technology, was excited about the history-making enrollment number. “I am pleased to see that the growth we have been experiencing the last couple of years carried into the spring semester as well. We continue to see increased interest in SMWC as we add new academic programs and athletic teams as well as interest in our new residence hall that opened in 2021 that offers apartment-style living.”
In fall 2022, SMWC established new records for incoming and total campus students. Since early 2020, 17 new academic programs have been added to the curriculum. Athletics has increased to 16 scholarship sports with the addition of men’s basketball in 2021-22 and sprint football and men’s volleyball in 2022-23.