Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) welcomed a delegation from Ukraine to celebrate a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between SMWC and the Zviahel Medical College of the Zhytomyr oblast (province), located in northern Ukraine. The visit was the result of an invitation to visit Indiana from Governor Eric Holcomb who traveled to Zhytomyr in September. Holcomb signed an MOU with the Ukrainian oblast intended to promote academic, agricultural, and cultural collaboration.

The visit started with a round-table discussion about the partnership and opportunities to grow in it. Terre Haute Mayor Brandon Sakbun, Indiana State Representative Tonya Pfaff ’90, Indiana State Senator Greg Goode and Karen Dyer, executive director of the Terre Haute Convention and Visitors Bureau were all present for the discussion. The Ukrainian group of 11 representatives was led by Zhytomyr Governor Vitaliy Bunechko, Olena Solodovnyk director of the Zviahel Medical College, and Svitlana Ramer, Ph.D., Honorary Consulate of Ukraine to Indiana. Both Bunechko and Solodovnyk spoke of the importance of education in their war-torn country and the challenge of students attending school during the day while hiding in bunkers overnight to be protected from bombing. They will continue to expand educational opportunities for their country despite the ongoing conflict.

Janet Clark, Ph.D., provost/executive vice president for academic affairs at SMWC, expressed her enthusiasm about the partnership. “This unique partnership will be advantageous to both institutions, particularly in this rare time in history. The foresight of the Zviahel Medical College to forge this relationship amid a violent war is commendable.” Joining Clark at the round-table discussion from SMWC was Kimberly LaComba, Ph.D., director of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program, Marcia Miller, Ph.D., RN, dean of division of nursing and sciences and Catherine Saunders, vice president for advancement.
After the discussion ended, the group was given a tour of the campus, spending time in the nursing lab and the equine stables. Ukrainian representatives expressed strong interest in health and therapeutic fields, particularly in nursing and equine-assisted therapy, along with further developing global leaders in collaboration with SMWC’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership.
Dr. Kim LaComba, Director of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program stated, “It was an honor to host the delegation from Ukraine as we celebrate the collaboration between SMWC and Zviahel Medical College where we will jointly create meaningful opportunities for students, faculty, and staff at both institutions to exchange knowledge. The partnership between the Zhytomyr Oblast and the State of Indiana further enhances this effort, showcasing strong mutual support and commitment to these collaborations.”

The visit was concluded as SMWC students, faculty and staff assembled in the Harvey Auditorium to listen to Zhytomyr Singing Ensemble Orea who performed a variety of songs of Ukraine a cappella.
During the visit, both the delegation from Ukraine and SMWC officials expressed their gratitude for the partnership and their desire to explore other opportunities to collaborate.
Clark said of the visit, “We are proud to be partners with Zviahel Medical College. SMWC was founded to bring educational opportunities to everyone no matter the circumstances, and this partnership certainly fits within our mission as we help and learn from our colleagues in Ukraine.”