The Sacred Heart Chapel

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Campus Ministry embodies a spirit of faith to transform ourselves, our communities and our world. We are a Catholic ministry dedicated to providing opportunities for all students. We encourage spiritual growth for students, leadership opportunities and social justice initiatives. We partner with Franciscan Young Adult Ministry for our ministry engagements in order to provide extensive opportunities to grow in Christian fellowship.

Timothy Tesmer

Campus Minister, Adjunct Instructor

Tim Talks

Tim Tesmer, campus minister, gives mini-sermons each week in a series called Tim Talks. Every episode of Tim Talks released on social media also lives here in the Tim Talks Archives.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual direction, retreats, small group, and prayer experiences are all opportunities students have for spiritual growth. Typically, these activities are led by other students. We collaborate with the Sisters of Providence and the University Ministry at St. Joseph’s Parish to ensure a variety of experiences.

Service and Social Justice

Campus Ministry coordinates Alternative Break Service Trips in the fall and spring. There are other various opportunities throughout the year for service and social justice both on and off campus!

The SMWC alternative fall break group at London, Ontario

Follow Campus Ministry

Follow SMWC Campus Ministry on Facebook for updates about upcoming events and student reflections.

Catholic Partners and Resources