Lexi Baver

Where is your hometown?
Garrett, Indiana
What high school did you attend?
Garrett High School
What is your major?
I am a triple major with graphic design, studio art and media art and a double minor in pre-art therapy and marketing.
Why did you choose The Woods?
I chose The Woods because of the sense of community. One of the most important things to me was the opportunity to create meaningful relationships with my peers and professors, and the other faculty and staff on campus. Because of the size of SMWC, it allows you to create relationships with everyone you meet. The Woods is also rich in tradition and history adorned with a beautiful campus. This really drew me in because it gave me the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself.
What do you do for fun on campus?
There are a lot of student organizations on campus you can get involved in! The organizations host fun events every week. The events are fun ways to relax and hang out with friends. Another awesome thing about campus is that the dorms are close, therefore a lot of students get together to hang out and study together in the floor’s centers and Sullivan!
What do you like about living in Le Fer/Les Bois Hall?
The campus is small therefore everyone lives next to each other. This makes it easy to get together with your friends to hang out and study.
What advice do you have for freshmen?
Freshmen, it goes fast. Your time here will go fast, and you don’t want to waste a single moment — let alone a year. Get involved doing something you love to do. Participate, participate, participate. Especially in traditions such as big/little, the acorn ceremony, homecoming competitions, and so much more. Make relationships with your peers, professors and any of the faculty and staff you have the privilege to meet. These connections will open doors and opportunities for you down the line. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and for help. This will help you along the way and allow you to grow. Make the most of your time here and don’t wish it away. You will want it back.
Reflect on your time at The Woods:
During my time at The Woods, I have experienced drastic change and self-growth. The experiences, opportunities and people have shaped me into a higher version of myself. I have become a better person and leader with the positions, teams and groups I have been a part of. In terms of academics, I have learned so much. Not only have I learned information that will help me in my future career but throughout life.