Maura Secrest

Where is your hometown?
Sullivan, Indiana
What high school did you attend?
Sullivan High School
What is your major?
Pre-professional studies major with a math minor
Why did you choose The Woods?
I chose The Woods because from the moment I first stepped foot on campus, it felt like home. I received the warmest of welcomes from the students. I also observed that the student body resembled a family! Everyone knew everyone and was there for each other.
What do you do for fun on campus?
I thoroughly enjoy going for long walks, runs or bike rides throughout The Woods. The nature and architecture here are so beautiful, it’s worth exploring.
What do you like about living in Le Fer/Les Bois hall?
I love the community you get from living on campus. I enjoy coming home to my best friends at the end of every day, being able to debrief and make memories with them.
What advice do you have for freshmen?
My advice would be to observe the masses and do the opposite. This is one of my favorite quotes. It is so important to stay true to who you are throughout your time at The Woods. Don’t be afraid to step out, take chances and be unique.
Reflect on your time at The Woods:
My time here at The Woods has been an irreplaceable experience. While I have only been here for a short while, I already know this will be one of the most special places for me. At The Woods, I have created incredible relationships with peers, professors and faculty that will last me a lifetime. Sure, there have been stressful days, but that is what has shaped me into the woman I am today. The Woods has changed me for the better. I am so proud to be able to continue the legacy of our foundress, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, and call myself a Woodsie.