Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) recognized 27 employees for their years of service to the institution at the annual President’s Christmas Dinner. Dottie L. King, Ph.D., president, shared that the dinner has become one of her favorite events and traditions at SMWC. The theme of this year’s dinner was Winter Wonderland. It was a night of food, fun and fellowship for all.

“As employees, we carry the mission and legacy of this place with us each day. I am honored to be able to recognize the years of service of our dedicated and talented employees,” King shared.
Two individuals were recognized for 20 years of service. Employees are recognized for every five years of service.
Sharon Boyle and Angie McMillin were recognized for 20 years of service to the College.
“Associate professor Sharon Boyle works hard to ensure that our music therapy students get the best training and professional development possible. Sharon has served on many college committees, including RPT and the Strategic Planning Pillar I committee, and also serves on the Providence Healthcare Board of Directors,” King said.
King also enjoyed sharing fun stories and memories she has with each staff member. She shared that Boyle and she went through orientation together as new staff members of the College.
Angie is the facilities manager for the department of equine studies. “Angie is one of those ‘more than ideal’ employees. Her dedication is beyond compare. She works endless hours during the spring and summer months and makes herself available all hours of the day or night to answer student questions, tend to sick or injured horses or help with special events held at the stables,” King said.
Others who were recognized for their service to the institution include:
Adjunct faculty
Five years:
Fritzi Anderson
Matthew Balensuela
Allison Bradley
Tamar Einstein
Barbara Fish
Sara Johnson
Carrie May
Rachelle Morgan
Kristen Pickering
Corrine Richards
Ten years:
Gray Baldwin
Melanie Beaver
Carolyn Koebel
Fifteen years:
Christine Arthur
Full-time Faculty and Staff
Five years:
Aimee Janssen-Robinson
John Mace
Amanda O’Brien
Louis Reeves
Gregory Wernz
Kari Wolfe
Rachelle Morgan
Youjin Yang
Ten years:
Karen Dyer
Laura Sweitzer
Fifteen years:
Lamprini Pantazi
Antonia Taylor
Twenty years:
Sharon Boyle
Angela McMillin