Sarah New
A new queen rode into the Putnam County Fair wearing a smile as big as her crown. SMWC sophomore education major and award-winning western equestrian rider Sarah New, from Filmore, Ind., prevailed over 12 other exceptional candidates for the title of Putnam County Fair Queen on July 14, 2012.
“Definitely, (I was) just shaking all over,” New said in an interview with the Greencastle Banner Graphic. “An incredible, wonderful feeling that I don’t think I’ve ever had.”
During her first year at The Woods, New placed ninth in intermediate horsemanship at the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association’s national championships, as well as fifth in novice and second in intermediate during the western team semi-finals in Ocala, Fla.
New’s accomplishments, both on and off campus, cement her reputation as a talented Pomeroy and an emerging leader. Congratulations!