2013 Ring recipients (l to r) – Melissa Patton, Marsha Dull, Suzanne Pennington and Marcia Pence
Ring Day Ceremony
Saturday, March 22, 2014
The Church of the Immaculate Conception
Reception immediately following in O’Shaughnessy Hall
It’s a moment that Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) students look forward to from their very first day as a Pomeroy, some long before they become a student. The symbolic ceremony on this day binds students and alums together and recognizes everything they have gained at The Woods – academic success, personal growth and unforgettable friendships.
The 92nd annual Ring Day will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2014, and the anticipation multiples as each day goes by. On this day, President Dottie King will place a ring – a unique design of gold and onyx displaying the SMW emblem – on their finger. It is the most anticipated tradition at The Woods. It is Ring Day.
“Ring Day gives me a connection to a much larger family of Pomeroys that have already received their ring, an automatic bond of togetherness,” states Kristin Bell, junior class vice president and art education major at SMWC. “Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College has strengthened and molded me in a way that I will forever be thankful. It has given me the opportunity to exceed far past my goals and create reality of my dreams. The ring will display to me and those around me that I am a proud Pomeroy setting forth my dreams by succeeding in my college career.”
Students earn their participation in the ceremony through academic success in their junior year at SMWC, or for graduate students, when they are three-quarters of the way toward completion of their degrees. This year, 81 traditional campus, Woods Online and graduate students will receive their Woods Ring in the emotionally moving ceremony.
“I don’t think anyone can truly anticipate the feeling of having the ring on their finger,“ states Amanda Payton, junior class president and double major in business administration and marketing. “While it’s common to try on upperclassmen’s rings, I assume it can’t compare to wearing your own ring. I’m sure it will be wonderful and make the long, anticipated wait well worth it.”