Woods Giving Day 2024, the single largest fundraising day for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC), will be held on Tuesday, February 6, starting at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and running through 11:59 p.m. EST. The day will be filled with student stories, special events and community support to bring awareness to the fundraising efforts for the Woods Fund and assist students in their educational journey at SMWC.

During the day, students, faculty, staff and alumni make phone calls to donors and potential donors to thank them for their past support of the College and to give them an opportunity to contribute. After the day, a Woods Giving Day honor roll will be posted on smwc.edu to thank those donors for participating. Last year, 957 donors gave a gift to help raise over $284,000.
Because many donors wanted to participate in Woods Giving Day but could not give that day, SMWC Advancement Officer, Jessica Bicknell Crawford ’19G, suggested expanding the timeframe to count for Woods Giving Day to the year-end. “Many donors wanted to give on Woods Giving Day, but typically make their donation decisions at the end of the calendar year. So, we have decided to include any gifts made between now and February 6 at midnight if donors indicate they’d like their gift to be counted towards the 1,000 unique donor goal.” Donors may give and have their donation counted for Woods Giving Day in a few ways:
- Call 888-769-0013 or 812-535-5270
- Mail a check with “Woods Giving Day” in the memo line to PO Box 70, Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876
- Give online with a note of “Woods Giving Day” at giving.smwc.edu

Traditionally, gifts of $50 or more on Woods Giving Day would award donors with a limited-edition pair of SMWC Woods Giving Day socks, sponsored by Bright Ideas in Broad Ripple. Any marked Woods Giving Day gifts received by February 6 will qualify for the special socks while supplies last. “These socks have been popular, and we feel like we need to reward donors for their generosity and commitment to The Woods,” said Crawford. “There is a limited quantity available, so get your gifts in early to secure your socks! We hope to see many of you wearing them on February 6 to show your Pomeroy Pride.” Donors can find out more about how to participate in Woods Giving Day by emailing advancement@smwc.edu. or visiting smwc.edu/wgd-2024/.